About Us

Welcome to Our New Venture

Hello and Warm Greetings,

I'm Sandi, the heart behind Fancy Bands, and together with my incredible support system - my husband George and our teenage son, also named George - we've embarked on a thrilling journey from our home base in Round Rock, Texas. Our family's adventure began with a simple yet profound love for personalizing Apple Watches with unique bands, reflecting one's mood and style. This passion blossomed into Fancy Bands, a dream turned reality where we shared our "Passion-4-Fashion" with the world.

Today, we're excited to introduce you to our latest endeavor. Building on the foundation of Fancy Bands, this new venture is an extension of our commitment to bringing fashion-forward, trendsetting accessories to enhance your everyday life. Our journey in the watch band industry has taught us the importance of innovation, customer-centric design, and the joy of expressing oneself through accessories.

In this new chapter, we carry forward the legacy of Fancy Bands, infusing it with fresh ideas and expanded offerings. Our mission remains steadfast: to scout the latest trends, listen to our customers' desires, and provide products that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our global community of satisfied customers stands as a testament to our dedication, and we're thrilled to continue serving you under our new brand.

Your satisfaction and interests remain our top priorities. We're here to ensure that your experience with us is as delightful and fulfilling as possible. As we grow and evolve, our core values of quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction guide us in curating a collection that brings a smile to your face and a touch of elegance to your daily routine.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. We look forward to sharing our passion and creations with you, bringing the same commitment and enthusiasm that made Fancy Bands a beloved name. Here's to new beginnings, endless possibilities, and the continuation of our shared passion for fashion and style.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Sandi & The Team